· Because the UC application allows for more entries and a higher character count than Common App, it’s advisable that your child complete the UC Activities section first. Then, your child should choose their 10 most meaningful activities for Common App and cut enough characters to get below Common App’s character-per-entry blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins In the Common App for transfer you have the option to share your experiences, things like research, internships, volunteer work, and more. This Reimagining the transfer experience. I’m really excited with the direction the Common App has moved in offering a robust application for transfer students that really will meet students — prospective students — of all ages and all life situations
How to Take Advantage of the Common App for Transfer Students
Our chancing engine factors in extracurricular activities, demographics, and other holistic details. Our chancing engine factors in extracurricular activities, demographic, and other holistic details. Filling out the Common App can be a very involved process. There are so many sections to go through, and it seems overwhelming at times. Since there are many applicants with similar academic backgrounds, colleges use extracurriculars to help them differentiate and choose between applicants.
For more common app transfer experiences section about how colleges filter applicants, check out our post on the Academic Index.
While extracurriculars might seem subjective, colleges are methodical in their evaluation of them. They use the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars :.
Tier 1: These are rare activities that show exceptional achievement or leadership, common app transfer experiences section. They include national awards or other prestigious achievements. Tier 2: These are little more common than Tier 1, but these activities still showcase high levels of achievement and leadership. Tier 4: These are the most common activities and are seen most often by admissions committees.
The Common Application offers a drop-down menu with the following activities from which to select:. For each activity you include on your application, choose the appropriate category.
If you find that a particular extracurricular activity fits into multiple categories, choose the more specific one e. If the activity fits into two equally specific categories, choose the more relevant one.
You will be able to expand in the description if needed. Since the list is fairly broad, you will probably find that your activity fits into at least one of the sections available. In this case, unless the position and organization names are fairly self-explanatory or very recognizable, you will need to be a bit more specific in your description.
Armed Forces. Accordingly, you should only list that activity if you actually participate in that specific organization. If it seems like you are choosing one category for everything, try to diversify a bit and think about how activities can be related without being exactly the same thing. Both categories indicate that you are a driven leader, but they present different facets of common app transfer experiences section personality. The activities section has a limit of ten extracurricular activities.
The restrictions mean you will need to be selective in reporting your activities, limiting you to the most important ones or those that are most meaningful to you. If you need to add more activities, common app transfer experiences section, use the additional information section or your essays. Many schools allow you to submit a resume in addition to your application.
Not only does doing so allow you to include more extracurricular activities, but also provides more space for you to expand on the descriptions of your activities since you are not limited to a certain number of characters.
For each activity, the form will ask you in which grade levels you participated in the extracurricular activity, the timing of your participation school year vs. school breakand how many hours you spent on it per week and weeks per year. These questions can help you narrow down which activities to include, since you should only be adding the ones to which you are truly dedicated.
For example, if you played tennis all four years of high school and became captain of your school team senior year, that is an activity to include in this section. There may be some activities that are naturally limited to a set time period or commitment, such as a summer academic program or sports camp.
You will have a chance to indicate the timing of the activity — during school year, school break, or all year — and colleges will take that into consideration when evaluating the activity. Additionally, if you have participated in related activities, colleges will see the pattern of your interest and commitment.
After you choose the activity type, the application will ask you to describe the position you held or hold and the organization name. This section is limited to 50 characters. Be common app transfer experiences section specific as possible here. For example, if you were Student Council Vice President freshman year and a class representative the other three years, list these out as: Vice President 1 yrClass Representative 3 yrs.
You should also be specific in defining the organization. If it has a name, say it, and define what it is if that is unclear. If the activity is typically referred to by an acronym, be sure to list the full name, as you never want to assume that admissions committees will be familiar with the activity to which you are referring.
You are limited to characters for details, accomplishments, honors won, and accomplishments within each activity, so you will need to be concise and offer only the most pertinent details. If you absolutely need more room to thoroughly explain truly important details about the activity, use the additional information section to expand, or describe it in more detail in your essay if it relates to the topic you choose. Common app transfer experiences section that this section is not there for you to prove your eloquence as a writer; you have the essay to do that.
Rather, this serves to inform the admissions committee about your life outside school as succinctly as possible. Use active verbs and limit the use of adjectives and adverbs. Be as specific as you can be in the space available.
If you hold a leadership position, emphasize that role in your description. Try to focus on quantitative descriptions over qualitative ones. Adding numerical values offers concrete proof of your successand can show colleges how you were involved specifically. If you are a leader in the activity, mention how many members the group has, how many people you serve if applicablehow many people your work affected, common app transfer experiences section, and so on.
Try not to be redundant, especially considering the limited space. If you want to talk about the actual tutoring in more detail, discuss your approach — e.
Member of most advanced ensemble, led sectionals to teach difficult passages, performed five concerts per year, common app transfer experiences section. Participated in multiple science-based events; 2nd place for Write It Do It, 3rd place for Meteorology. Participated in three conferences per year; Best Small Delegationcommon app transfer experiences section, Outstanding Delegate These are examples of strong activity descriptions because they provide a common app transfer experiences section amount of information in a few words.
This example does not elaborate on what the student did, nor does it show what they learned from their time at the hospital. The application will ask you in which grade levels you participated in a particular activity. The key is as follows:.
If you participated in an activity over the summer between grade levels, choose the rising or later grade level e. However, it does need to be realistic. If you are having trouble estimating your time commitment, try keeping a time log for a couple weeks and provide an average. The last question for each activity asks you whether or not you plan to continue a similar extracurricular activity in college. The application asks this because colleges want to know what kind of student you will be when you arrive.
Remember, common app transfer experiences section, they are looking for a diverse student body filled with future leaders in their respective fields. If you intend to continue a particular pursuit in college, it shows them that you are truly interested and dedicated to it.
To some degree, they also want to see that you are doing the activity because you are truly passionate about it, not just because you want to impress colleges. Also keep in mind that just because you intend to continue the activity in college at this point does not mean you are obligated to do so when you actually matriculate, common app transfer experiences section.
Colleges may give your name to members of a club, organization, common app transfer experiences section, or activity in which you participate so they can follow up with you, but you are by no means bound to joining when you begin college unless, of course, you are accepted on an athletic or other scholarship that requires your participation in a certain activity.
List your activities in order of importance. To delete an activity, move it to the bottom of the list and click on the delete icon. You can also simply edit the activity to reflect a different one. You may want to start by watching the short tutorial video available at the top of common app transfer experiences section section to get started.
Try not to feel too overwhelmed — college applications take a lot of work, common app transfer experiences section, but the reward is well worth it.
Calculate your acceptance chances. How Important is the Activities Section? They use the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars : Tier 1: These are rare activities that show exceptional achievement or leadership. Selecting Activities to Include The activities section has a limit of ten extracurricular activities, common app transfer experiences section.
Writing the Description You are limited to characters for details, accomplishments, honors won, and accomplishments within each activity, so you will need to be concise and offer only the most pertinent details.
Example 2: Goalkeeper, Varsity Field Hockey school team conference champions; led weekly trainings for the JV goalkeepers; organized team bonding events, common app transfer experiences section. Example 3: Concert master school orchestra Member of most advanced ensemble, led sectionals to teach difficult passages, common app transfer experiences section five concerts per year.
Example 5: Science Olympiad school team member Participated in multiple science-based events; 2nd place for Write It Do It, 3rd place for Meteorology. Example 6: Model UN school team member Participated in three conferences per year; Best Small DelegationOutstanding Delegate An example of a weaker response would be: Position: Hospital Volunteer Description: Helped patients and doctors.
The key is as follows: High School Grades Post-graduate: After High School If you participated in an activity over the summer between grade levels, choose the rising or later grade level e. Participation in College The last question for each activity asks you whether or not you plan to continue a similar extracurricular activity in college. A Few Other Considerations List common app transfer experiences section activities in order of importance.
CEA's Common App TRANSFER Tutorial!
, time: 6:25· Hi I'm filling out the "experiences" section on the transfer common app right now In the Common App for transfer you have the option to share your experiences, things like research, internships, volunteer work, and more. This · Because the UC application allows for more entries and a higher character count than Common App, it’s advisable that your child complete the UC Activities section first. Then, your child should choose their 10 most meaningful activities for Common App and cut enough characters to get below Common App’s character-per-entry blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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